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Youth Groups

TASTY - Teenage Association of Sharon Temple Youth
Sinai Teens - Grade 8; Grades 9-10
Mitzvah Makers - MainSpring; Brightview 

tasty.jpgTASTY (Teenage Association of Sharon Temple Youth) is a youth group for teens in grades 9-12 based at Temple Sinai. TASTY activities include: pizza lounges, holiday parties, Shabbat services and sleepovers, community outreach events (such as annual blood drives), and more. Our middle school branch, Jr. TASTY, is open to students in grades 6-8, and functions similarly to TASTY, meeting about once a month. Past activities have included game nights, holiday parties, and more.

Everyone is welcome! You do not need to be from Sharon or a member of Temple Sinai to join. TASTY is affiliated with NFTY (North American Federation of Temple Youth), the youth movement of the Union for Reform Judaism. TASTY participates in many of NFTY’s regional weekend events.

For more information on TASTY or Jr. TASTY, contact Corey Shore or Join our group on Facebook. 

Register for 5785 TASTY and Jr. TASTY below. Children must be registered to attend TASTY events on and off temple property. 

UPCOMING EVENTS! Email Corey Shore for event details. 

TASTY: Welcome Back Party! (September); Click here to register for TASTY 5785.

Jr. TASTY: Welcome Back! Click here to register for Jr. TASTY 5785. 


Mon, September 16 2024 13 Elul 5784