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If you were walking the halls of Temple Sinai, here is what you might find…

Our beautiful sanctuary is filled with joyful prayer and song, as the voices of our Cantor and adult choir lift us spiritually.  Down the hall, our study group discusses the weekly Jewish text together before heading to work, while a dedicated bat mitzvah student is learning to chant her Torah portion. In the school wing, members of Temple Sinai’s Youth Group plan the upcoming Purim Carnival, while the 5th graders participate in a satellite discussion with their peers in Haifa. The Temple Sinai kitchen is bustling, as our Social Action committee gathers donated meals to deliver to our local homeless shelter. In the Social Hall, members of Brotherhood and Sisterhood are busy planning their next social event.

Ours is a community of sacred moments -  learning together, supporting each other in times of need, celebrating life’s milestones, and finding opportunities for Tikkun Olam – repairing the world. We welcome you to our Temple Sinai community as together we share the bright future that lies ahead!

Pledge-based Membership System 

We believe in being welcoming and inclusive - no one should face barriers to being part of our congregation - so we've recently adopted a pledge-based membership system. How does it work?  Instead of paying an assigned fixed dues amount, you pledge the amount you wish to contribute as your annual financial commitment. The funds from our congregants’ pledges form the basis of our annual revenue.  Additional fundraising efforts help make up the rest.  Other standard fees, such as Religious School tuition, Bar and Bat Mitzvah fees and the Building Fund, continue to remain separate obligations.  

How much do you pledge? Temple leadership provides a recommended “sustaining” amount for the entire congregation; most congregants will choose to pledge at that amount. Some may choose to contribute more, and some may pledge less. The bottom line is, your pledge—a gift from your heart - is up to you.

For more information about becoming a member of Temple Sinai, do not hesitate to contact our dedicated staff at (781) 784-6081 or complete the form below.


Mon, September 16 2024 13 Elul 5784