Social Justice/Social Action
Social Justice/Social Action
Social Action deals with the world as it is: short-term assistance of feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, comforting the sick, helping the needy. Social Justice is about the world as it could be: advocating for change to address the systemic, root causes of hunger, homelessness, poverty, etc.
Social Action is the left foot…Social Justice is the right. We must stand on both feet for Tikkun Olam (repairing the world).
Social Justice Committee
Where Community Meets Compassion
“Justice, justice you shall pursue” (Deuteronomy 16:20). This is a central tenet of Judaism and no stranger to many of the members of Temple Sinai in Sharon, MA. Nicknamed ‘The Social Justice League,’ Temple Sinai’s Social Justice Committee is active across multiple causes each year. From hunger to homelessness and so much more, our members are driven by “tikkun olam” (repairing the world) and are committed to the ethical and equitable treatment of all human beings. We spend our time learning about legislative issues and budget priorities in the Commonwealth through the lens of Jewish values, lobbying and testifying before our state representatives and senators, and forming valuable partnerships with local organizations who are helping to turn inaction into actionable results.
For more information about the Social Justice Committee contact our Committee Chair at
Social Action Committee
Tikkun Olam, or repairing the world through social action, is a hallmark of the Reform Movement. The Social Action Committee works to create and promote opportunities for temple members to “heal the world” through Tikkun Olam throughout the year. Please look at the many programs available to find ones that might fit into your busy schedule.
MainSpring House Dinner Program
“Every person should give as he is able, according to the blessing of your God which has been given to you.” (Deuteronomy 16:17)
Temple Sinai members have been providing hot meals for residents of the MainSpring House shelter on the second Sunday of each month for many years. We help feed and serve between 60-100 guests each month. Cooked dinners are picked up at the temple at 3:00 pm, delivered and served at MainSpring from 4:30-6:00 pm.
You can be part of this ongoing mitzvah project by volunteering to cook a main dish or a dessert for 8 people, or by volunteering to serve meals. Prepare a main dish, vegetable dish and/or a dessert, and bring it to the temple kitchen by 2pm on the Friday before or when you come to services Friday night. PLEASE LABEL AND DATE ALL ITEMS FOR MAINSPRING (this is a Board of Health requirement).
For more information, contact Sue Greenfield or Julie Zupan.
Mitzvah Day: TBD
Join Temple Sinai for our annual day of giving back!
Past Activities have included:
- Support the Mitzvah Projects of our b'nai mitzvah students.
- Assemble lunches for MainSpring
- Meet local state officials, Rep. Lou Kafka and Sen. Paul Feeney
- Learn more about community and Temple charitable organizations
While you are there, enjoy the food and baked goods available for purchase (proceeds donated).
For more information, contact the temple office.
Mon, September 16 2024
13 Elul 5784